Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Do You Call a Blind Dinosaur?

... Do-you-think-he-saurus.
What do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?
....Do-you-think-he-saurus Rex

Ahh.... Classic jokes from Jurassic Park. A movie I think I watched one too many times as a child, since it scarred me for life! Yes, at the age of 24 I have an irrational fear of dinosaurs.... yep, thats right they freak me out! I find them so interesting, the bones are alright by me, but put a robot out there moving, making noises.... I freak out. Go ahead, make jokes :) I know its absolutely insane!

After our Beatles tour Nick and I decided to go to the Natural Science Museum in London. We were greeted by the dino above. The line for the Dinosaur exhibit was full. Nick didn't feel like waiting so we wandered around the "our heritage" section showing the similarities between monkeys and humans before I finally convinced Nick to join the queue to get in the exhibit. 

When you go into the exhibit you see the triceratops then you go up and across a walkway and you can see other dinosaur skeletons suspended in the air along both sides, it was a crowded Saturday so I wasn't able to get many pictures. I plan on going again when Nick's Mom & Aunt are in town so I'll try to get better pictures then.

I was fine with all of the skeletons, thought that they were awesome and really interesting. But then these little robot guys were standing there starring at me.... creepin' me out. Nick, the sweet peach he is, took a video of them. He said he was going to wake me up with them on mornings I really just want to sleep

Then you go into the next room and theres all these facts about T-Rex, as you turn the corner I was expecting to see a big T-Rex skeleton.... nooo instead theres a big giant T-Rex robot

Can someone tell me why I was standing in front of this thing smiling?! That must be my "I'm freaked out" smile.

We've been going to more meet ups with the social group here in Maidenhead, and I've been going to the girly one in Reading and finally starting to have friendly faces that we see more and more.

I've been a big slacker but I promise to pound out a few more updates on the blog over the next week. I need to get better about making time for it! Sorry guys! We're getting more and more into a routine here and I haven't made "updating the blog" part of it. 

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